433 lines
13 KiB
433 lines
13 KiB
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <NMEAGPS.h>
// Program: NMEASDlog.ino
// Description: This program is an interrupt-driven GPS logger.
// It uses the alternative serial port libraries NeoHWSerial,
// NeoSWSerial, or NeoICSerial.
// Prerequisites:
// 1) You have completed the requirements for NMEA_isr.ino
// 2) You have connected an SPI SD card and verified it is working
// with other SD utilities.
// 3) For logging faster than the default 1Hz rate, you have
// identified the required commands for your GPS device.
// 'Serial' is for debug output to the Serial Monitor window.
// License:
// Copyright (C) 2014-2017, SlashDevin
// This file is part of NeoGPS
// NeoGPS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// NeoGPS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with NeoGPS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <GPSport.h>
//#include <Streamers.h>
// Check configuration
#if !defined( GPS_FIX_TIME ) || !defined( GPS_FIX_LOCATION )
#error You must define TIME and LOCATION in GPSfix_cfg.h
#if !defined( NMEAGPS_PARSE_RMC )
#error You must define NMEAGPS_PARSE_RMC in NMEAGPS_cfg.h!
#error You must define NMEAGPS_INTERRUPT_PROCESSING in NMEAGPS_cfg.h!
static const int LED = 13;
static NMEAGPS gps;
// SD card includes and declarations
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SdFat.h>
SdFat SD;
const int chipSelect = 8;
// For testing, it may be more convenient to simply print the
// GPS fix fields to the Serial Monitor. Simply uncomment
// this define to skip all SD operations. An SD card module
// does not have to be connected.
auto &logfile = DEBUG_PORT;
File logfile;
// Utility to print a long integer like it's a float
// with 9 significant digits.
void printL( Print & outs, int32_t degE7 )
// Extract and print negative sign
if (degE7 < 0) {
degE7 = -degE7;
outs.print( '-' );
// Whole degrees
int32_t deg = degE7 / 10000000L;
outs.print( deg );
outs.print( '.' );
// Get fractional degrees
degE7 -= deg*10000000L;
// Print leading zeroes, if needed
if (degE7 < 10L)
outs.print( F("000000") );
else if (degE7 < 100L)
outs.print( F("00000") );
else if (degE7 < 1000L)
outs.print( F("0000") );
else if (degE7 < 10000L)
outs.print( F("000") );
else if (degE7 < 100000L)
outs.print( F("00") );
else if (degE7 < 1000000L)
outs.print( F("0") );
// Print fractional degrees
outs.print( degE7 );
// Because the SD write can take a long time, GPSisr will store
// parsed data in the NMEAGPS 'buffer' array until GPSloop can get to it.
// The number of elements you should have in the array depends on
// two things: the speed of your SD card, and the update rate you
// have chosen.
// For an update rate of 10Hz (100ms period), two fixes are probably
// enough. Most cards take ~100ms to complete a write of 512 bytes.
// With FIX_MAX=2, two complete fixes can be stored, which were
// received in 200ms. A third fix can be started, giving a little
// more time before an overrun occurs, a total of about 250ms.
// If your card is slower or your update rate is faster, you should
// first build and run this program to determine the speed of your
// card. The time it takes to log one record is printed to the log
// file.
// After the program has run for a minute or two, remove the
// card and examine the loggingTimes. You may see that an interval
// was skipped, and you will also see an OVERRUN message on the
// DEBUG_PORT (usually Serial).
// You should calculate a new FIX_MAX from the maximum loggingTime
// you see in the log file:
// FIX_MAX = (max loggingTime)/(update period) + 1;
// For example, if the max loggingTime is 160ms, and the update period is
// 100ms (10Hz), then FIX_MAX = 160/100 + 1 = 2.
// Change the FIX_MAX value, build and run the program again. The
// SD log file should now contain all records, and no OVERRUN
// messages should have been printed on the DEBUG_PORT.
// If you do see an OVERRUN message, examine the loggingTime to see
// if it exceeded the maximum value from the previous build, and
// increase FIX_MAX.
// If you are also printing data to a Serial device, you could be
// printing too much information. In general, you must print less than
// (baudrate/10) characters per second. For example, if your baudrate
// is 9600, you must print less than 960 characters per second. And if
// the update rate is 10Hz, you must print no more than 96 characters
// per update.
// There are also restrictions on how much you should print to Serial in one
// section of code. If you print more than 64 characters (the output buffer
// size), then some prints will block until all characters can be stored in the
// output buffer.
// For example, if you try to print 80 characters, the first 64 characters
// will be immediately stored in the output buffer. However, the last 16
// characters must wait until the output buffer has room for 16 more
// characters. That takes 16 * (10/baudrate) milliseconds. At 9600 baud
// that will take 17ms. The loggingTimes will show no less than 17ms per
// record, and will occasionally include the longer SD write time of ~100ms.
static void GPSloop()
if (gps.available()) {
gps_fix fix = gps.read();
// Log the fix information if we have a location and time
if (fix.valid.location && fix.valid.time) {
static uint16_t lastLoggingTime = 0;
uint16_t startLoggingTime = millis();
// If you like the CSV format implemented in Streamers.h,
// you could replace all these prints with
// trace_all( logFile, fix ); // uncomment include Streamers.h
printL( logfile, fix.latitudeL() );
logfile.print( ',' );
printL( logfile, fix.longitudeL() );
if (fix.dateTime.hours < 10)
logfile.print( '0' );
logfile.print( ':' );
if (fix.dateTime.minutes < 10)
logfile.print( '0' );
logfile.print( ':' );
if (fix.dateTime.seconds < 10)
logfile.print( '0' );
logfile.print( '.' );
if (fix.dateTime_cs < 10)
logfile.print( '0' ); // leading zero for .05, for example
logfile.print( lastLoggingTime ); // write how long the previous logging took
// flush() is used to empty the contents of the SD buffer to the SD.
// If you don't call flush, the data will fill up the SdFat buffer
// of 512bytes and flush itself automatically.
// To avoid losing data or corrupting the SD card file system, you must
// call flush() at least once (or close()) before powering down or pulling
// the SD card.
// It is *strongly* recommended that you use some external event
// to close the file. For example, staying within 50m of the moving
// average location for 1 minute, or using a switch to start and stop
// logging. It would also be good to provide a visual indication
// that it is safe to power down and/or remove the card, perhaps via
// the LED.
// To reduce the amount of data that may be lost by an abnormal shut down,
// you can call flush() periodically.
// Depending on the amount of data you are printing, you can save
// *a lot* of CPU time by not flushing too frequently. BTW, flushing
// every time at 5Hz is too frequent.
// This shows how to flush once a second.
static uint16_t lastFlushTime = 0;
if (startLoggingTime - lastFlushTime > 1000) {
lastFlushTime = startLoggingTime; // close enough
// Simulate the delay of writing to an SD card. These times are
// very long. This is intended to show (and test) the overrun detection.
// On a 1Hz GPS, delaying more than 2 seconds here, or more than
// 2 seconds in two consecutive updates, will cause OVERRUN.
// Feel free to try different delays to simulate the actual behavior
// of your SD card.
uint16_t t = random(0,5); // 0..4
t += 3; // 3..7
t = t*t*t*t; // 81..2401ms
delay( t ); // cause an OVERRUN
// All logging is finished, figure out how long that took.
// This will be written in the *next* record.
lastLoggingTime = (uint16_t) millis() - startLoggingTime;
} // GPSloop
void GPSisr( uint8_t c )
gps.handle( c );
} // GPSisr
// This routine waits for GPSisr to provide
// a fix that has a valid location.
// The LED is slowly flashed while it's waiting.
static void waitForFix()
DEBUG_PORT.print( F("Waiting for GPS fix...") );
uint16_t lastToggle = millis();
for (;;) {
if (gps.available()) {
if (gps.read().valid.location)
break; // Got it!
// Slowly flash the LED until we get a fix
if ((uint16_t) millis() - lastToggle > 500) {
lastToggle += 500;
digitalWrite( LED, !digitalRead(LED) );
DEBUG_PORT.write( '.' );
digitalWrite( LED, LOW );
gps.overrun( false ); // we had to wait a while...
} // waitForFix
void setup()
while (!DEBUG_PORT)
; // wait for serial port to connect.
DEBUG_PORT.println( F("NMEASDlog.ino started!") );
DEBUG_PORT.print( F("fix size = ") );
DEBUG_PORT.println( sizeof(gps_fix) );
DEBUG_PORT.println( F(" GPS updates can be buffered.") );
if (gps.merging != NMEAGPS::EXPLICIT_MERGING)
DEBUG_PORT.println( F("Warning: EXPLICIT_MERGING should be enabled for best results!") );
gpsPort.attachInterrupt( GPSisr );
gpsPort.begin( 9600 );
// Configure the GPS. These are commands for MTK GPS devices. Other
// brands will have different commands.
gps.send_P( &gpsPort, F("PMTK314,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0") ); // RMC only for MTK GPS devices
gps.send_P( &gpsPort, F("PMTK220,100") ); // 10Hz update rate for MTK GPS devices
// Enable the LED for blinking feedback
pinMode( LED, OUTPUT );
} // setup
void loop()
if (gps.overrun()) {
gps.overrun( false );
DEBUG_PORT.println( F("DATA OVERRUN: fix data lost!") );
void initSD()
DEBUG_PORT.println( F(" Simulating SD.") );
DEBUG_PORT.println( F("Initializing SD card...") );
// see if the card is present and can be initialized:
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) {
DEBUG_PORT.println( F(" SD card failed, or not present") );
// don't do anything more:
// Flicker the LED
while (true) {
DEBUG_PORT.println( F(" SD card initialized.") );
// Pick a numbered filename, 00 to 99.
char filename[15] = "data_##.txt";
for (uint8_t i=0; i<100; i++) {
filename[5] = '0' + i/10;
filename[6] = '0' + i%10;
if (!SD.exists(filename)) {
// Use this one!
logfile = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE);
if (!logfile) {
DEBUG_PORT.print( F("Couldn't create ") );
// If the file can't be created for some reason this leaves the LED on
// so I know there is a problem
while (true) {}
DEBUG_PORT.print( F("Writing to ") );
// GPS Visualizer requires a header to identify the CSV fields.
// If you are saving other data or don't need this, simply remove/change it
logfile.println( F("latitude,longitude,time,loggingTime") );
//trace_header( logfile ); // and uncomment #include Streamers.h
} // initSD