You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

96 lines
2.5 KiB

package main
// This example implements a NUS (Nordic UART Service) peripheral.
// I can't find much official documentation on the protocol, but this can be
// helpful:
// Code to interact with a raw terminal is in separate files with build tags.
import (
var (
serviceUUID = bluetooth.ServiceUUIDNordicUART
rxUUID = bluetooth.CharacteristicUUIDUARTRX
txUUID = bluetooth.CharacteristicUUIDUARTTX
func main() {
adapter := bluetooth.DefaultAdapter
must("enable BLE stack", adapter.Enable())
adv := adapter.DefaultAdvertisement()
must("config adv", adv.Configure(bluetooth.AdvertisementOptions{
LocalName: "NUS", // Nordic UART Service
ServiceUUIDs: []bluetooth.UUID{serviceUUID},
must("start adv", adv.Start())
var rxChar bluetooth.Characteristic
var txChar bluetooth.Characteristic
must("add service", adapter.AddService(&bluetooth.Service{
UUID: serviceUUID,
Characteristics: []bluetooth.CharacteristicConfig{
Handle: &rxChar,
Flags: bluetooth.CharacteristicWritePermission | bluetooth.CharacteristicWriteWithoutResponsePermission,
WriteEvent: func(client bluetooth.Connection, offset int, value []byte) {
for _, c := range value {
Handle: &txChar,
Flags: bluetooth.CharacteristicNotifyPermission | bluetooth.CharacteristicReadPermission,
defer rawterm.Restore()
print("NUS console enabled, use Ctrl-X to exit\r\n")
var line []byte
for {
ch := rawterm.Getchar()
line = append(line, ch)
// Send the current line to the central.
if ch == '\x18' {
// The user pressed Ctrl-X, exit the terminal.
} else if ch == '\n' {
sendbuf := line // copy buffer
// Reset the slice while keeping the buffer in place.
line = line[:0]
// Send the sendbuf after breaking it up in pieces.
for len(sendbuf) != 0 {
// Chop off up to 20 bytes from the sendbuf.
partlen := 20
if len(sendbuf) < 20 {
partlen = len(sendbuf)
part := sendbuf[:partlen]
sendbuf = sendbuf[partlen:]
// This also sends a notification.
_, err := txChar.Write(part)
must("send notification", err)
func must(action string, err error) {
if err != nil {
panic("failed to " + action + ": " + err.Error())