[platformio] default_envs = nanoatmega328 [env:nanoatmega328] platform = atmelavr board = nanoatmega328 framework = arduino board_build.f_cpu = 16000000L lib_deps = robtillaart/DHTStable targets = upload, monitor upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor_speed = 9600 monitor_filters = default ; Remove typical terminal control codes from input time ; Add timestamp with milliseconds for each new line ; log2file ; Log data to a file “platformio-device-monitor-*.log” located in the current working directory [env:tiny85] platform = atmelavr framework = arduino #board = digispark-tiny board = attiny85 board_build.f_cpu = 8000000L lib_deps = robtillaart/DHTStable upload_protocol = stk500v1 upload_flags = -P$UPLOAD_PORT -b$UPLOAD_SPEED targets = upload, monitor upload_speed = 19200 upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0 monitor_port = /dev/ttyUSB1 monitor_speed = 9600 monitor_filters = default ; Remove typical terminal control codes from input time ; Add timestamp with milliseconds for each new line ; log2file ; Log data to a file “platformio-device-monitor-*.log” located in the current working directory